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Religious Education in English

Religious Education in English takes place every Sunday after the 9:30 am English mass. The classes start at 10:45 am and last about 60 min. The schedule follow the ISS calendar regarding classes and breaks.

The classes will start again on the 15th of September 2024.


The classes are held by volunteer parents and members of the parish. Their mission is faith formation. The courses are heavily focused on teaching the four pillars of the faith. This journey in the catholic faith is to be shared and lived in family and with the others parish members.


The classes proposed are:

  • Kindergarden for young kids.

  • Preparation to the 1st Holy Communion (Step 1 and Step 2): these two years of education are mandatory to be able to receive the sacrament. Minimum age 7 years old (from 2nd grade).

  • Preparation to Confirmation (1st and 2nd year): these two years of education are mandatory to be able to receive the sacrament. Minimum age 13 years old (from 8th grade).

  • Continuous Religious Education: for those who are not preparing to receive sacraments but want to continue RE.



There is a fee to cover for the materials and books used in the classes: 500 NOK for one child or 700 NOK per family.

You can make the payment either by :

  • Transfert to bank account no. 3000.65.49108specify ENG-RE + name of the child.

  • Vipps: #589798 (KATEKESE - St. Svithun Menighet) - specify ENG-RE + name of the child.


If you have questions, please contact the catechesis coordinator at or tlf. 41379795.



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